『Antonio Marin』馬林吉他工房傳奇

安東尼奧·馬林(Antonio Marin)

1987年格拉納達,當時還是由安東尼奧·馬林(Antonio Marin) & 曼努埃爾·貝里多(Mañuel Bellido)共同經營一家吉他工房。

曼努埃爾·貝里多(Mañuel Bellido)

有位年約12歲的男孩被招募在店裡,為了讓他擺脫生活窘境而採用他當學徒,而他正是何塞·馬林 (Jose Marin Plazuelo).

何塞·馬林 (Jose Marin Plazuelo)


何塞·岡薩雷斯·洛佩斯(Jose Gonzalez Lopez)
1989年,何塞·岡薩雷斯·洛佩斯(Jose Gonzalez Lopez). 小名Pepe(是 Plazuelo.妻子的姐姐的丈夫)入為學徒,何塞在店內學了10年的製琴,而他親製的第一把琴已在1999年由日本人入手了。




在何塞之後,工房出現新的學徒『Juan Antonio Correa Marin』,而他正是安東尼奧·馬林的孫子,並在2006年後在他祖父的指導下製琴。


馬林·科雷亞(Correa Marin)


馬林·科雷亞(Correa Marin)的吉他一直深受琴友喜愛,特別是在台灣以及日本,來自美國的專業吉他手接觸過他的紅杉面板吉他後並在美國推薦給吉他琴友。



一位從義大利前往加那利群島聆聽 Leo Brouwer的音樂會,並順道拜訪的德國吉他手。


Plazuelo & Antonio可能正忙著打磨削整力木或者調整琴紐,這一切正是因為這些權威製琴師的吉他而興起的活動。


The Evolution of the Marin Shop
When I first came to Granadain 1978 Antonio shared a shop with Mañuel Bellido. At that time a 12 year old boy was there that had been recruited as an apprentice to keep him out of trouble. That young boy was Jose Marin Plazuelo. Today he is  a well-known guitar maker in his own right. In 1989 He brought in another family member to be an apprentice who was  Pepito´s wife’s sister’s husband. Jose Gonzalez Lopez. Pepe, short for Jose, worked in the shop for ten years until he made his first guitar by himself. That was in 1999. That guitar went to Japan. It took a couple of years for him to get his guitars up to the level of the rest of the shop. Today he sells to Taiwan, mainland China, Korea USA, Germany and Austria. Like a lot of the shops in town most of the people are all family members. Pepe is no exception.
In the back of the shop Pepe works with the newest addition to the guitar family. Juan Antonio Correa Marin, Antonio´s grandson. He came to the shop in 2006 and worked under his grandfather’s watchful eye. He is naturally talented but still very young. Even so, his grandfather is very strict and carefully supervises all of his work so the quality is up to the Marin Standard. He, like Pepe, was an apprentice for approximately 10 years before making his own guitars.  Juan has been extremely successful in particularly in Taiwan  and Japan.. A professional player in the USA has been playing a cedar top guitar of his which has also brought him to the attention of the Americans.  Once again the standard of the shop is unquestionable
Antonio and his nephew Pepito work in the front of the shop and Pepe and Juan work in the back.

The daily activities in the shop are always fun to observe. A postman just came in and dropped off a trial  order of tops from Canada; Walter, a German guitarist stopped by to say hello en route from Italy to concerts with Leo Brouwer in the Canary Islands. A local guitarist stopped in to deliver some glue that just came in from China. All of this is happening while Antonio and Pepito (Marin Plazuelo) are busily sanding braces or adjusting nuts and saddles or doing what guitar makers do to construct an instrument. The construction of the guitars is ongoing with the other activities that are in the shop making it always fun to visit.


托雷斯樂器股份有限公司 代理歐丶美丶澳丶日丶韓手工古典吉他 管絃丶中西樂器


電話:02-2883-0223 / 0917-181-277 

Torres musical instruments co., ltd Handcrafted classical guitars Orchestra instruments Chinese national instruments

No. 1, Ln. 292, Sec. 4, Chengde Rd., Shilin Dist., Taipei City 111063 , Taiwan (R.O.C.)

886-2-28830223 / 886-917181277
